G.O. 01
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The purpose of this directive is to define the organizational philosophy and values of the
Longwood Police Department, to delineate the Canons of Law Enforcement Ethics and
to ensure that the police department personnel are aware of the actions and attitudes
expected of them; and to provide members of the public with a general standard by
which they can measure the performance of the agency.
It is; furthermore, the purpose of this directive to establish procedures concerning
standards of conduct that serves to enhance the professionalism and performance of
Longwood Police Department personnel.
Personnel are expected to maintain the level of professionalism, competence and
discipline as set forth herein.
Personnel shall fulfill the police department objectives, values, organizational
philosophy, maintain sufficient competence to properly perform their duties, and
assume the responsibilities of their positions.
Personnel shall not engage in any conduct which constitutes neglect of duty, conduct
unbecoming, or any act which is likely to adversely affect the discipline, good order, or
reputation of the police department.
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Personnel: The term ‘personnel’, used throughout the written directive system of the
Longwood Police Department, implies those persons hired by the chief of police who
may either be sworn or non-sworn, full or part-time. The term ‘personnel’ may also be
defined as ‘employee’, which shall have the same meaning.
As a department member, my fundamental obligation is to protect the constitutional
rights and freedoms of the people whom I have been sworn to uphold.
While I consider the way I choose to conduct my private affairs a personal freedom, I
accept the responsibilities for my actions, as well as inactions, while on duty or off duty,
when those actions bring disrepute on the public image of my employer, my fellow
officers and the law enforcement profession.
I vow to perform all my duties in a professional and competent manner. I consider the
abilities to be courageous in the face of danger and to exercise restraint in the use of my
powers and authorities to be the ultimate public trust. I accept that I must consistently
strive to achieve excellence in learning the necessary knowledge and skills associated of
my position.
I will keep myself physically fit and mentally alert so that I am capable of performing my
duties according to the standards of quality expected of my position.
I vow to be fully truthful and honest in my dealings with others. I deplore lies and half-
truths that mislead or do not fully inform those who must depend on my honesty. I obey
the very laws that I am sworn to uphold. I will seek affirmative ways to comply with the
standards of my department and the lawful directions of my supervisors.
I vow to treat others with courtesy at all times. I consider it to be a professional
weakness to allow another’s behavior to dictate my response. I will not allow other’s
actions or failings to be excuse for not performing my duties in a responsible,
professional and expected manner.
I vow to empathize with the problems of people with whom I come into daily contact.
However, I cannot allow my personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to
influence the discretionary authorities entrusted to my job. I will affirmatively seek ways
to avoid conflicts and potential conflicts of interest that could compromise my official
authority or public image.
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I hold the authority inherent in my position to be an affirmation of the public’s trust in
me as a law enforcement officer. I do not take this trust lightly. As long as I remain in
this position, I will dedicate myself to maintaining this trust and upholding all ideals of
the law enforcement profession.
The mission for every member of this department is to consistently seek and find ways
to affirmatively promote, preserve and deliver a feeling of security, safety and quality to
members of our community.
This mission is a commitment to quality performance from all members. It is critical that
all members understand, accept and be aligned with the responsibilities established by
this mission. It provides the foundation upon which all operational decisions and
organizational directives will be based. Directives include rules, regulations, operating
policies, procedures, orders and practices.
This mission represents the commitment of this administration to the concepts of
quality performance management. In other words, members are expected to work
consistently in a quality manner in the daily performance of those duties, job
responsibilities and work tasks associated with this mission. ‘Quality Manner’ means
that performance outcomes comply with the performance standards established for this
agency and for each member associated with this agency. Examples of performance
standards include oath of office, code of ethics, agency rules, policies, procedures,
directives, general and supervisory orders, work productivity and performance behavior.
Each member is required to accept the responsibilities of or the achievement of this
mission and publicly register his or her commitment to it and to the concept of quality
A. Primary Responsibility of Job:
The primary responsibility of the law enforcement service, and of the individual
department member, is the protection of the people of the United States
through the upholding of their laws; chief among which is the Constitution of
the United States and its amendments. The law enforcement officer represents
the whole of the community and its legally expressed will and is never the arm
of any political party or clique.
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B. Limitation of Authority:
The first duty of all department members is upholding the law and knowing the
bounds the law established for its enforcement. The law enforcement officer
represents the legal will of the community, be it local, state, or federal. The law
enforcement officer must; therefore, be aware of the limitations and
proscriptions which the people, through law, have imposed as a primary
responsibility. Law enforcement officers must recognize the genius of the
American system of government which gives no person, group, or institution,
absolute power. Law enforcement officers must insure that they, as prime
defenders of that system, do not pervert its character.
C. Duty to Be Familiar with the Laws and with Responsibilities of Self & Other Public
Members shall assiduously apply themselves to the study of the principles of the
laws which they are sworn to uphold. Law enforcement officers will ascertain
their responsibilities in the particulars of their enforcement, seeking aid from
superiors in technical matters of principles when such are not understood. Law
enforcement officers will make special effort to fully understand their
relationship to other public officials, particularly in matters of jurisdiction, both
geographically and substantively.
D. Utilization of Proper Means to Gain Proper Ends:
Members shall be mindful of their responsibility to pay strict heed to the selection
of means in discharging the duties of their office. Violations of law or disregard
for public safety and property on the part of an officer are intrinsically wrong;
they are self defeating in that they instill in the public mind a like disposition. The
employment of illegal means, no matter how worthy at the end, is certain to
encourage disrespect for the law and its officers. If the law is to be honored, it
must first be honored by those who enforce it.
E. Private Conduct:
Members shall be mindful of their special identification by the public as upholders
of the law. Laxity of conduct or manner in private life, expressing either disrespect
for the law or seeking to gain special privilege, will certainly reflect upon the
police department and the individual officer. The community and the service
require that law enforcement officers lead decent and honorable lives. Following
a law enforcement career gives no one special perquisites; however, it does give
the satisfaction and pride of following and furthering an unbroken tradition of
safeguarding the American Republic. Officers who reflect upon this tradition will
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not degrade it. Rather, they will conduct their private lives so that the public will
regard them as examples of stability, fidelity, and morality.
F. Conduct Toward the Public:
Members, mindful of their responsibility to the whole community, shall deal with
individuals of the community in a manner calculated to instill respect for its laws
and its police service. Law enforcement officers shall conduct their official lives in
a manner such as will inspire confidence and trust. Thus, they will be neither
overbearing nor subservient, as no individual citizen has an obligation to stand in
awe of them nor a right to command them. Officers will give service where they
can, and require compliance with the law. They will do so neither from personal
preference or prejudice but rather as duly appointed officers of the law
discharging a sworn obligation.
G. Conduct in Arresting & Dealing with Law Violators:
Law enforcement officers shall use powers of arrest strictly in accordance with
the law and with due regard for the rights of the citizen concerned. Their office
gives them no right to judge the violator nor to mete out punishment for the
offense. They shall, at all times, have a clear appreciation of responsibilities and
limitations regarding detention of the violator.
They shall conduct themselves in such a manner as will minimize the possibility
of having to use force. To this end they shall cultivate a dedication to the service
of the people and the equitable upholding of the law, whether in the handling of
the law violators or in dealing with the law-abiding.
H. Gifts and Favors:
Members, representing government, bear the heavy responsibility of maintaining
in their own conduct the honor and integrity of all government institutions. They
shall; therefore, guard against placing themselves in a position in which any
person can reasonably assume that special consideration is being given. Thus,
they should be firm in refusing gifts, favors, or gratuities, large or small, which
can, in the public mind, be interpreted as capable of influencing his judgment in
the discharge of his duties.
I. Presentation of Evidence:
Members shall be concerned equally in the prosecution of the wrongdoer and the
defense of the innocent. They shall ascertain what constitutes evidence and shall
present such evidence impartially and without malice. In so doing, they will ignore
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social, political, and all other distinctions among the persons involved,
strengthening the tradition of the reliability and integrity of an officer’s word.
Members shall make a concerted effort to increase perception and skill of
observation, mindful that in many situations theirs is the sole impartial testimony
to the facts of a case.
J. Attitude Toward Profession:
Members shall regard the discharge of their duties as a public trust and recognize
their responsibilities as a public servant. By diligent study and sincere attention
to self improvement, they shall strive to make the best possible application of
science to the solution of crime, and in the field of human relationships strive for
effective leadership and public influence in matters affecting public safety. They
shall appreciate the importance and responsibility of their office; hold police work
to be an honorable profession rendering valuable service to their community and
It shall be the policy of the Longwood Police Department that officers take and subscribe
to the oath of office, and the code of ethics, prior to appointment and before undertaking
the duties of office.
‘I _______________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of
the United States of America, the Constitution of Laws of the State of Florida, and the
laws and ordinances of the City of Longwood, Seminole County, Florida. I will also support
the mission of the Longwood Police Department and abide by the code of ethics, rules,
and regulations of the Longwood Police Department, and that I will faithfully discharge
the duties of the position of __________________ with the City of Longwood Police
Department to the best of my ability which I have been appointed according to law’
(By offering this oath of office and requiring a signature, no written or implied contract
for employment or continued employment is being offered. For any reason that the
employee is found to be incapable, unqualified, or unfit for employment or continued
employment, or the employee’s best efforts to comply with the required obligations,
responsibilities, duties and task performances associated with this oath are
unsatisfactory, that employee is subject to removal.)
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A. Police Department Objectives:
1. Sworn employees shall preserve the public peace, detect and arrest
violators of the law, prevent crime, protect life and property, and enforce
all federal, state, and local laws within agency jurisdiction.
2. All employees and appointees shall fulfill their responsibilities to provide
support for the police department mission.
3. All employees shall safeguard their ability to make objective, fair, and
impartial decisions.
B. Knowledge of and Obedience to Laws & Office Directives:
1. Sworn employees shall, to the extent required by their assignment, be
knowledgeable of criminal law as provided for by state statutes and city
2. All employees shall observe and obey all city ordinances, state and
federal laws.
3. Employees shall abide by the standards of conduct as set forth herein as
well as all written directives of the Longwood Police Department.
4. An order read or posted on the bulletin board of the department over the
signature of the chief of police or a designee shall have the same effect,
and be construed as a part of this manual.
5. All employees of the Longwood Police Department will be provided with
electronic access to the policies and procedures manual. All employees
will be familiar with and comply with the directives.
C. Duty Assignments:
1. Employees shall report for duty at the date, time and place assigned.
Employees shall report appropriately uniformed and equipped in
accordance with their assignment. They shall be physically and mentally
fit to perform their duties.
2. Employees shall not be absent from duty, post or assignment without
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3. Employees are to remain at their assignment and on duty until
properly relieved or dismissed.
D. Performance of Duty:
1. Employees shall be attentive to, and take prompt, suitable action on,
reports and complaints by private persons and concerns, except when
circumstances make it necessary for them to report the matter or refer
the complaint to another division, department or agency. Employees
shall fulfill proper requests for information and assistance. Employees
shall avoid showing disinterest or lack of concern in matters of low law
enforcement priority.
2. Employees will cooperate with, support, and assist employees from
other public safety or law enforcement agencies in the performance of
their official duties. If an officer must initiate action against a law
enforcement officer of this department or any other agency, the officer
shall immediately notify his/her supervisor. The incident will be
documented and the information forwarded through the chain of
3. Employees shall assume responsibility of their own acts. In no instance
shall they attempt to shift the burden of the irresponsibility for
executing, or neglecting to execute a lawful order, regulation or police
4. All officers of the department are equally responsible for the
enforcement of all laws, ordinances and police regulations. The
delegation of the enforcement of certain laws and ordinances to a
particular division or section of the department does not relieve
members of other sections or divisions from taking prompt police
action for violations coming to their attention.
E. Fitness for Duty:
1. All employees shall maintain sufficient fitness for duty in order to
perform the essential functions of their positions in a safe, effective,
and efficient manner at all times.
2. Should reasonable cause exist to question an employee’s physical,
mental, or psychological preparedness for duty, the employee will be
immediately and temporarily removed from active duty, or be
temporarily removed from returning to active duty, until such fitness
can be evaluated.
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3. Also, refer to General Order 13 (Conditions of Employment)
F. Conduct Toward The Public:
1. Employees shall be responsive to the needs of the public by rendering
prompt and courteous service and consistently conducting themselves
in a manner that encourages public respect.
2. Employees shall treat victims, witnesses, suspects, arrested persons,
and all other contacts with appropriate respect.
3. Employees shall maintain command of temper, exercise patience and
discretion, and refrain from coarse, profane or insolent language.
4. Upon request, employees will furnish their name and division in a
courteous manner.
5. When answering the telephone, employees shall identify themselves
according to procedure established by their division or section; respond
promptly, and maintain a courteous decorum.
G. Investigations:
1. All investigations shall be conducted in accordance with department
2. Employees shall report all criminal activity or suspected activity
(including all self-assigned investigations) in accordance with
department directives.
3. Employees shall not communicate to any person outside of the police
department information of a confidential nature or relating to cases
under investigation, which may impede an investigation, delay an arrest
or aid a person to escape.
4. Employees shall not become involved in any expressed or implied
promise or arrangement which is intended to reduce the charges and
permit the offender to escape the penalty provided by law without
obtaining approval from the state attorney’s office.
5. Employees shall not unnecessarily interfere with any case assigned to
another employee, another division, or with the operation of the court.
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A. Conduct Unbecoming:
1. Employees shall conduct themselves at all time, both on and off duty, in
such a manner as to reflect favorably on the police department and the
law enforcement profession. ‘Conduct Unbecoming’ is that which
brings the agency into disrepute or reflects discredit upon the individual
as an employee, and that which impairs the operation or efficiency of
the police department.
2. Examples of prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to, the
a. Sexual conduct while on duty.
b. Participation in any immoral, indecent, lewd, or disorderly
conduct while on or off duty.
c. Interfering with another employee’s ability to carry out his/her
duties and responsibilities;
d. Interfering with the ability of Supervisors to maintain discipline.
e. Performing any acts or making any verbal or written
statements, which may bring the Longwood Police Department
into disrepute or ridicule.
f. Intimidation or solicitation for personal reasons under color of
g. Sleeping while on duty.
h. Gambling while on duty, unless in the performance of duty and
in accordance with agency directives.
i. Knowingly becoming a member of or being connected with any
subversive organization (as designated by the office of the
Attorney General of the United States) except when necessary
in the performance of duty and in accordance with agency
j. Accepting a bribe or gratuity for an illegal act; or failure to
report that act or the offer of a bribe.
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k. Engaging in controversies or making arrests in the employee’s
own disputes or in those within the employee’s family, or in
disputes arising with the employee’s own neighbors, except
under such circumstances as would justify self-defense or to
prevent injury to another, or when a serious offense has been
l. Altering or tampering with any potential or real evidence,
records or witnesses which may pertain to a lawful
m. Neglect or inattention to duty.
n. Improper, false, or omitted entries in department records or
o. Married employee’s having relations with individuals where the
conduct results in complaints and/or rumors in the department.
p. Failure to maintain a valid Florida driver’s license.
B. Association/ Fraternization with Criminals:
1. Employees are prohibited from regular personal association with
individuals, other than family, who are convicted felons or known to have
a lifestyle of continuing criminal activity.
2. Employees are prohibited from regular personal association with
individuals, other than family members, who are known to be the subject
of an investigation for a felony by the Longwood Police Department or
another law enforcement agency.
3. Employees are prohibited from fraternization with inmates or other
individuals under court- ordered supervision.
4. Employees are required to make their immediate supervisor aware of any
regular personal association with a family member that, under other
circumstances, would be prohibited.
NOTE: Family member is defined as persons related by blood or
marriage and persons who have a child in common regardless
of whether they have been married.
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C. False Statements and Reports:
1. Employees are prohibited from making any false statement or report
relating directly or indirectly to their employment or other police
department business; making a false or deceptive statement or report
to a Superior; or intentionally falsifying or withholding any material
matter from any report or statement.
2. When so directed, employees are required to fully, truthfully and
directly answer all questions or render relevant material in police
department supervisory inquires and administrative investigations.
D. Abuse of Position:
1. Employees shall not dismiss traffic charges against a person whose case
has not been docketed for court appearance, without sufficient reason,
and then only with approval from their division commander.
2. Employees shall not become involved in any promise or arrangement
which is intended to reduce the charges and permit the offender to
escape the full penalty provided by law without obtaining approval from
the state attorney’s office.
3. Employees shall not unnecessarily interfere with any case assigned to
another employee; with the operation of any other division or of the
courts; or with any lawful private enterprise.
4. Employees shall not use their official position to solicit special privileges
for themselves or others. Sworn employees/appointees may use their
law enforcement identification to obtain admission to any public
gathering or business only in the furtherance of official duty.
E. Conflicts of Interest:
1. Employees shall not solicit or accept presents, loans, or gratuities while
on or off duty regardless if it would or would not appear to influence
the discharge of official duties or if it involves any governmental action
affecting the donor or lender.
2. Employees shall not receive any article, either as a gift or as a result of
purchase or trade, from suspects, prisoners, persons recently arrested,
known gamblers, prostitutes, or other persons of questionable
character; professional bondsmen, or other persons whose vocations
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may profit from information obtained from employees or their relatives;
nor shall employees knowingly sell any articles to such persons.
3. Employees shall not accept any employment, establish any business, or
engage in any business activity without the written approval of the chief
of police, through the submission of an Off Duty Employment
Authorization Form.
F. Acting as Bondsmen:
1. Employees shall not suggest or recommend the retention of any specific
bail bond broker.
2. Employees shall not act as bondsmen for any person in custody except
family members.
A. Manner of Issuing Orders:
Verbal or written orders from superior to subordinate shall be in clear,
understandable language, civil in tone and issued pursuant to police
department business. Orders may be relayed from a superior by an employee of
the same or lesser rank. Unless clarification is requested, it shall be assumed the
order is clearly understood.
B. Obedience to Lawful Orders:
Employees are expected to familiarize themselves with the chain of command
as defined in the General Order ‘Authority and Command’.
Employees will be aware that a chain of command and other levels and means
of supervision are necessary in order for the police department to function and
execute its duty and responsibility to the public.
Employees shall at all times perform their duties as defined by their job task or
as ordered by a supervisor. Except when a supervisor takes the responsibility of
issuing direct and definitive orders, employees are responsible for their own
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C. Obedience to Unlawful Orders:
No employee is required to obey any order that is contrary to state or federal
law. The police department may impose directives more restrictive, but not in
conflict with those laws. Responsibility for refusal to obey rests with the
employee. Employees will be required to justify the refusal, in writing, to the
chief or his designee through the chain of command.
D. Obedience to Unjust Or Improper Orders:
Employees who are given orders they believe to be unjust or contrary to police
department directives must first obey the order and then, as soon as practical,
report the incident in writing to the chief or his designee through the chain of
command. Appeals for relief from such orders may be made at that time.
E. Conflicting Orders:
An employee that is given an order that is in conflict with a previous order or
1. Shall respectfully inform the employee issuing the order of the conflict.
2. If an employee issuing the order does not alter or retract the conflicting
order, the employee shall comply unless such compliance is a violation
of the law. Under these circumstances, the responsibility shall be upon
the employee issuing the order.
3. The employee obeying the conflicting order will not be held responsible
for disobedience or the previous order.
4. The employee obeying the conflicting order shall report the order to the
next higher ranking supervisor than the employee issuing the order.
F. Insubordination:
Any employee who deliberately refuses or fails to obey any lawful order given
by a Superior or who shows gross and direct disrespect to a superior will be
guilty of insubordination. Insubordination shall include that which violates the
code of ethics or mission statement of the police department or canons of
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A. Employees shall treat their superiors, subordinates, and associates with respect.
They shall be courteous and civil at all time in their relationships with one
B. Employees will not be reprimanded over the radio or individually in the
presence of their peers.
C. Employees are required to truthfully, fully, and directly, answer all questions
asked by a supervisor or investigator relating to matters concerning their
employment with the police department.
A. Incompetence:
An employee will be determined to be incompetent when reasonable measures
of job performance cannot be met, or the employee fails to maintain
established standards of efficiency.
B. Carelessness:
An employee may be determined to have impaired or jeopardized the proper
and efficient operation of this department due to carelessness or neglect of
their duty responsibilities. Carelessness may be result of an act or failure to act
in a deliberate and willful manner that reflects a reckless or wanton disregard
for life, safety or property; in a manner contrary to acceptable standards of
performance; or in a manner which results or could have resulted in injury,
danger to others, or damage to property.
A. Employees shall be responsible for immediately notifying their immediate
supervisor when arrested for any offense or violation of the law (including
criminal traffic violations), or who have been indicted by a grand jury.
Notification shall be made as soon as practical and before returning to work the
next duty day. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination.
B. The immediate supervisor shall advise the chief through the chain of
command. The chief shall determine if it is in the best interest of the police
department and the work program of the employee’s department to:
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1. Retain the affected employee in his/her regular position.
2. Assign the affected employee to other duties or another position until
such time as any change is disposed of by trial, acquittal, dismissal,
conviction, or other judicial action.
3. Place the employee on administrative leave with pay pending
A. Policy:
1. The use of all tobacco products shall be permitted only in designated
smoking areas, which are out of public view.
2. No tobacco products may be used in any City of Longwood facility or
3. Longwood Police Department personnel shall not use any tobacco
products while in the view or in contact with any member of the public
during any Longwood Police Department operation or assignment.
B. Procedure:
1. The disposal of tobacco waste or tobacco products must be into proper
receptacles. The throwing or placing of cigarette ‘butts’ or other
tobacco waste, on the ground or sidewalk is not permitted and detracts
from the professional image of the Longwood Police Department.
2. Assistance to discontinue the use of tobacco products may be obtained
through the employee assistance program or other available medical
alternatives. The Longwood Police Department may offer assistance to
the effected employee, if requested, on a case-by-case basis.
A. Alcohol Use/Possession:
1. Employees shall not report for duty smelling or under the influence of
alcoholic beverages. Employees shall not, at any time, be intoxicated
while on duty.
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2. Employees shall not drink alcoholic beverages while on duty, either in or
out of uniform, unless required in the performance of duty and in
accordance with police department directives.
3. Employees shall not drink alcoholic beverages and operate any police
department vehicle or other machinery under any conditions (Exception:
It is recognized that certain covert operations may require an officer or
other law enforcement officer operating under the auspices of these
police department general orders to consume alcoholic beverages while
on duty as a part of that duty. Under no conditions or circumstances is
any such person to operate a police department vehicle or other
machinery if in any way impaired).
4. Employees shall not bring into or keep any alcoholic beverages on police
department premises except when necessary in the performance of duty.
Alcoholic beverages brought onto department premises in the
performance of duty will be stored according to police department
directives that address evidence.
B. Drug Use/Possession:
1. Employees using drugs or therapeutic treatments prescribed by a
physician or other authorized health practitioner shall determine from
the prescribing person whether the treatment prescribed has any effects
that may interfere with the performance of their duties. If the treatment
prescribed has such effects, employees shall inform their supervisor of
that fact.
2. Employees using legal, non-prescribed drugs that in any way impairs or
affects their job performance are responsible for bringing this fact to the
attention of their immediate supervisor.
3. Employees whose fitness for duty may be impaired by the use of the
above-listed drugs shall be placed on sick leave unless/until restricted
duty provision are met.
4. Employees shall not operate any police department vehicle if they are in
any way impaired from the use of pharmacological substances.
5. Employees in possession of any legal or illegal drug or controlled
substance in the performance of duty shall store said drug or controlled
substance prior to the end of their tour of duty in accordance with
department directives.
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6. The illegal possession, use, sale, purchase or transfer of illegal drugs,
controlled substances, or drugs obtained illegally is a violation of criminal
statutes and will result in termination.
C. Drug & Alcohol Screening:
1. Blood, breath and/or urine tests of employees may be conducted under
the following circumstances:
a. When there is reasonable suspicion that an employee has used
a drug, alcohol or other controlled substance in violation of the
law of police department directives.
b. When the employee has admitted to any use.
c. As a result of prior disciplinary proceedings against the employee
related to the use of drugs or alcohol.
2. The chief of police may also require alcohol and/or drug screening tests
if there is reasonable suspicion of alcohol and/or drug use by any
a. When a supervisor has reasonable suspicion to believe that an
employee is using or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
he/she should immediately advise the chief of police, through
the employee’s chain of command.
b. If a reasonable suspicion exists, the employee shall be
transported to one of the following locations in the following
1. Longwood Police Department designated physician’s
office or collection lab;
2. Closest hospital emergency room (after normal business
hours and on weekends only)
c. The affected employee will be relieved of duty pending the test
d. Confirmed test results may be cause for disciplinary action, up to
and including termination.
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e. All information obtained through an alcohol or drug screen test
is considered to be of a medical nature and it exempt from public
inspection and disclosure.
f. Employees will comply with all directions from a supervisor in
regard to submitting to any such test. Refusal to comply will be
grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
D. Randomized Screening:
1. Selection Process:
The process of selecting employees to submit to a random drug screen
will be in the form of a lottery system.
a. The numbers 0 through 9 will be placed in a bag and one number
will be drawn by a city employee not working within the police
b. The drawn number signifies the last number of the selected
employee’s social security number.
c. Any employee of the department whose social security numbers
ends with the selected number will have 24 hours to report to
the approved lab to be tested.
d. No employees are exempt from the process.
2. Testing Procedure:
a. The approved lab will collect a urine sample from the employee
and will validate the sample with a temperature or other test to
ensure the sample has not been the subject of tampering. The
sample will then be split into two samples. The first will be tested.
The second will be held for further testing should a questionable
result be obtained from the first sample. In any case, the second
sample will be secured by the lab in a manner consistent with the
storage of evidence until directed to either dispose of or test the
sample by the department.
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3. Discrepancy Interview:
a. Any employee suspected of a violation under this section will be
granted a discrepancy interview so that the employee may dispel
any alarm created by the results of the first test. The employee
may at this time offer any explanation, which would explain the
test results, by informing the department of any and all
medications currently being taken that may have resulted in the
questionable test results. The employee may be requested to
provide a doctors certification to validate any claimed
prescription medications.
b. If the employee answers fail to dispel the alarm created by the
first test results, the department will direct the lab to test the
second sample with a more extensive testing procedure to
identify the compound, which resulted in the questioned results
in the first test.
4. Discipline:
a. Should an employee be found to be unlawfully using a controlled
substance as defined by Florida State Statutes, the employee will
be terminated.
b. Should an employee be found to be abusing alcohol or a legal
drug and the employee has not violated any Florida State
Statutes that employee may be directed to counseling, the city
employee assistance program or some other approved program
which will help the employee overcome the problem.
c. An employee remaining employed subsequent to a positive
finding of substance or alcohol abuse will be subject to
disciplinary action and will be placed on probation pending the
results of counseling or whatever program was assigned.
Additionally, employees placed on probation will be subject to
additional screening as directed and will not be afforded the
protection outlined under this section.
d. Nothing in this subject prohibits the termination of an employee
should the nature of the abuse be severe.
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A. Any employee, who is required as a condition of employment to possess and
maintain a valid Florida driver’s license, must immediately inform the chief of
police through their chain of command should the employee’s driver’s license
become denied, expired, restricted, suspended, revoked or cancelled at any time
while employed by the Longwood Police Department. Failure to maintain a valid
Florida driver’s license may be grounds for disqualification from employment
with the Longwood Police Department.
B. Any restrictions placed on the employee’s driver’s license by the Department of
Motor Vehicles must not impair the ability of the employee to perform their job
effectively. Any such restriction may be grounds for disqualification from
employment or job assignment.
C. When a valid Florida driver’s license is not required according to job description,
it shall be the policy of the Longwood Police Department that an employee must
have a valid Florida driver’s license if and when it is necessary that the employee
utilize department vehicles and/or equipment, or utilize the employee’s personal
vehicle in the course of department business.
D. The criminal investigations sergeant will conduct a semi-annual check on all police
department employees’ driver’s licenses and will report the results in writing to
the chief of police immediately.
A. Employees may register and vote as they choose.
B. Employees may participate in the following political activities provided such
participant is not on police department work time, on police department
property, or while in uniform.
1. Assist in voter registration drives.
2. Contribute money to a political organization or attend political fund
raising functions.
3. Attend political rallies and meetings.
4. Join a political club or party.
5. Sign nominating petitions.
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6. Campaign for or against candidates, issues, referendum questions,
constitutional amendments, etc.
C. If an employee wishes to qualify, run, and/or hold elective office, the employee
shall first submit notification and details of the same, in writing, to the chief
through the chain of command. Decisions regarding the employee’s request shall
take into account any potential conflict of interest or potential impairment of
work efficiency.
NOTE: Any decision of an employee to qualify or run for elective office must
be in accordance with Chapter 99.012(5), Florida State Statutes.
D. If there is no conflict with Chapter 99.012(5), Florida State Statutes, and an
employee’s request is approved:
1. The employee may request personal time off, administrative leave, or
leave without pay, campaigning purposes in accordance with the
guidelines established for use of such leaves.
2. An employee who is running for a constitutional office, will upon the
qualifying date, resign from employment with the Longwood Police
E. If the employee’s request is not approved:
1. The employee may elect to resign his/her position with the police
department or,
2. The employee may choose not to attempt to qualify and run for elective
Employees will be disciplined, counseled or given remedial training in accordance with
General Order 32.
A. Employees represented by a bargaining unit desiring to file a grievance or appeal
a decision shall refer to the grievance procedures outlined in their respective
union contracts.
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B. Employees not represented by a bargaining unit desiring to file a grievance or
appeal a decision shall refer to the grievance procedures outlined in Chapter 10
of the city personnel policies and procedures manual.
C. The chief of police will coordinate the grievance process. All initial grievance
forms shall be forwarded through the chain of command to the chief. The chief
will ensure the date and time the grievance is received is documented on the
grievance form.
D. Once the chief has received a grievance, it will be reviewed for resolution. The
chief will:
1. Affirm or deny the allegations contained in the grievance and provide an
explanation of his findings in writing.
2. Identify any remedy or adjustment, if applicable, that will be made to
resolve the grievance.
E. Any grievance not resolved by the chief of police may be appealed to the city
administrator in accordance with the grievance procedures outlined in an
applicable union contract or the city personnel policies and procedures manual.
F. A copy and record of all grievances and related paperwork will be maintained by
date in a grievance record file that will be maintained and controlled by the police
chief’s administrative secretary. All grievances and related paperwork will be
added to the respective grievance record file and shall be updated by
electronically scanning and inserting all relative correspondence as soon as it is
rendered. Electronic grievance record files will be stored in a designated drive or
location that is archived by the Information technology division to ensure that a
recorded copy of all documentation and correspondence are available in the
event that relative information is misplaced or inadvertently destroyed.