G.O. 23 LONGWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL ORDER NUMBER: GO - 23 SUBJECT: INJURIES OR LOSS TO NON-EMPLOYEES (While on Longwood Police Department Premises) EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER 1, 1995 REVISED: MAY 1, 2022 GENERAL ORDER INJURIES OR LOSS TO NON-EMPLOYEES GO – 23 PAGE 1 OF 2 I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this directive is to establish guidelines to be followed when a private citizen (non-employee) is injured or suffers damage or loss of property while present in or on a facility maintained by the Longwood Police Department. II. SCOPE: The reason for investigating incidents involving property damage and personal injuries of persons on Longwood Police Department property is to establish who or what was responsible of or the incident. This procedure also serves to establish a permanent record of the incident for future reference. III. GENERAL: It is the responsibility of personnel investigating said incidents to obtain all information possible from the victim(s) and witnesses. The person conducting the investigation is also required to gather and preserve any evidence that may be helpful in supporting the facts surrounding an incident. IV. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES: A. In the event a person is injured or suffers the loss or damage of personal property while on any premises assigned to or controlled by the chief of police, the following procedures will be followed: 1. The incident will be investigated thoroughly and will include attention to the following: a. Interviewing the victim and all witnesses to the incident; GENERAL ORDER INJURIES OR LOSS TO NON-EMPLOYEES GO – 23 PAGE 2 OF 2 b. Securing signed statements from the victim and witnesses; c. Ensure that any evidence is collected and preserved; and, d. The on duty supervisor will make notification to appropriate command staff personnel; e. Within twenty-four hours of the incident submit a detailed written report to the chief of police through the chain of command. The report will utilize a standard incident report form with a CJIS case number. B. The Criminal Investigations Division will be summoned to photograph and process the scene and facilitate the collection of any evidence, if appropriate.