E.P.P. 001
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The Longwood Police Department recognizes and respects the value and integrity of
human life. When meeting resistance to lawful commands, officers are vested with the
authority to respond accordingly to protect themselves and the public welfare. The intent
of this policy is to establish clear direction on the correct response to resistance by
Longwood Police Department personnel.
In vesting officers with the lawful authority to respond to resistance to protect themselves
and the public welfare, a careful balance of all human interests is required. Police
department members will use only the response to resistance necessary to effect lawful
It is incumbent upon personnel of the police department to be thoroughly familiar with
and obey all provisions set forth within this directive. The protection of human life is of
paramount concern.
Longwood Police officers have an affirmative duty to intervene to prevent or stop the use
of excessive, disproportionate, or unnecessary force by another law enforcement officer,
employed by the Longwood Police Department or any other law enforcement agency,
and shall immediately report any incident of excessive force to their supervisor.
Longwood Police officers will evaluate situations and utilize de-escalation efforts and
techniques when practical, to decrease the emotional level, behaviors, or intensity of
persons involved in a situation.
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A. Choke Hold: A maneuver which applies pressure to a subject’s laryngopharynx,
larynx or trachea for a period of time, which blocks or severely limits the person’s
B. Deadly Response to Resistance: Deadly response to resistance is that response
employed which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm. It is not only
determined by the type of weapon used but also by the circumstances under
which it is used. A deadly response is further defined to include:
1. The firing of a firearm in the direction of a person to be arrested, even
though no intent exists to kill or inflict great bodily harm;
2. The firing of a firearm at a vehicle in which a person to be arrested is
3. The use of a police department vehicle to intentionally ram a vehicle in
which a person to be arrested is riding; and,
4. Use of the expandable/retractable baton to inflict strikes to lethal areas.
C. De-escalation: Taking action or communicating verbally or non-verbally in an
attempt to stabilize an incident and reduce the immediate threat so more time,
other options and / or resources may be available to effectively resolve an
incident. The primary goal of de-escalation, when feasible, is to gain voluntary
compliance and reduce or prevent the need to use physical force.
D. Duty to Intervene: The purposeful involvement of an officer, either physically or
verbally, to stop or prevent another officer from using excessive,
disproportionate or unnecessary force.
E. Felony: Crime punishable under Florida Statue by death or imprisonment in
excess of one year in a state penitentiary.
F. Forcible Felony: As defined by Chapter 776.08, Florida State Statutes: treason;
murder; manslaughter; sexual battery; carjacking; home- invasion robbery;
robbery; burglary; arson; kidnapping; aggravated assault; aggravated battery;
aggravated stalking; aircraft piracy; unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of
a destructive device or bomb; and any other felony which involves the use or
threat of physical force or violence against any individual.
G. Great Bodily Harm: A bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death; causes
serious, permanent disfigurement; or results in the long-term loss, or
impairment, or the functioning of any bodily member or organ.
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H. Last Resort: When all practical means to avoid using a deadly response to
resistance have been exhausted.
I. Misdemeanor: Any criminal offense that are punishable under Florida Statute by
a term of imprisonment in a county correctional facility not in excess of one year.
J. Non-Deadly Response to Resistance: Any response to resistance, other than that
which is considered deadly. It is neither likely, nor intended, to cause great bodily
K. Physical Response to Resistance: The physical power used to overcome another
and is not likely to cause death or great bodily harm.
L. Probable Cause: Probable cause exists where the facts and circumstances within the
arresting officer’s knowledge, and of which they had reasonably trustworthy information,
are sufficient in themselves to warrant a person of reasonable caution to believe an
offense has been or is being committed.
M. Reasonable Suspicion: Circumstances which reasonably indicate that a violation of law
has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed.
N. Warning Shots: The intentional discharge of a firearm in an attempt to warn or
frighten a suspect into some action or inaction. The use of warning shots by an
Officer is strictly prohibited.
O. Weapons: Weapons shall include lethal and non-lethal weapons issued or
approved for use by Longwood police officers.
1. Lethal weapons are classified as firearms (shotguns, rifles, and
2. Non-lethal weapons are classified as individual protective devices
(Taser, OC/CS Spray, and expandable/retractable batons).
P. Vascular Neck Restraint: A technique which is designed to restrict blood flow to a
person’s brain by compressing neck arteries and render a person temporarily
unconscious. It is not designed to restrict a person’s airflow.
A. Only members, who are certified full time, part time, or auxiliary officers and have
demonstrated proficiency in the use of agency authorized weapons and
techniques, and have been issued copies of and instructed in the agency’s
Response to Resistance Policy, will be allowed to carry said weapons and perform
said techniques, while on-duty or off-duty. “Demonstrated proficiency” is defined
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as the achievement of at least minimum qualifying scores in a prescribed training
course, familiarization with safe-handling techniques, and being familiar with this
Response to Resistance policy. Only weapons and techniques meeting agency
authorized requirements will be used by personnel engaging in law enforcement
responsibilities both on and off duty.
B. Prior to training, weapons instructors will examine all weapons for safety
violations and defects. Any weapon determined to be unsafe or defective will be
immediately removed from service for repair or disposal.
C. Proficiency training, including scores or other grades, will be documented by the
instructors and submitted to the training coordinator for inclusion into each
officer’s training file; and,
D. Officers who fail to qualify at least once annually with an assigned on-duty or off-
duty weapon will be prohibited from use of that weapon and reassigned and/or
relieved from duty until a satisfactory level of competence and proficiency has
been established. If an officer fails to qualify with an issued or approved weapon:
1. The weapons instructor shall inform the officer at the time of
disqualification that he/she is relieved from duty pending successful
completion of remedial training. The officer will be advised to make
notification to his/her immediate supervisor;
2. The weapons instructor shall, in writing, immediately notify:
a) The employee’s immediate supervisor,
b) The employee’s division supervisor,
c) The training coordinator,
d) The chief of police.
3. The training coordinator will, in conjunction with the weapons instructor,
develop a remedial training schedule for any officer who fails to qualify
with an issued or approved weapon. The procedure for remedial training
shall be as follows:
a) The training coordinator will schedule lectures, reviews and
practice sessions with an instructor in which the officer will be
required to attend and participate;
b) The training coordinator will, in conjunction with the instructor,
schedule test sessions for re-testing the officer; and,
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c) The training coordinator will report the officer’s compliance or
continued failure to comply through the Chain of Command to
the division supervisor. The division supervisor may order a
continuation of remedial training or may take other action,
including disciplinary action, against any officer repeatedly failing
weapons competency examinations.
A. Officers are responsible for rendering medical assistance as quickly as practical
when a response to resistance has become necessary and where injuries are
sustained as a result of the action. Procedures for medical assistance at the scene
will consist of:
1. Personnel will render medical assistance within the limit and scope of
their training;
2. Regardless of training, personnel will immediately summon and direct
emergency medical assistance to the scene of the incident through the
telecommunications section, other personnel or through passers-by; and,
3. Personnel will attempt to protect injured persons from further injury.
A. An officer, whose response to resistance has resulted in death or serious injury,
will be removed from line-duty assignment pending an administrative review of
the incident. Relief from immediate duty may be ordered by any level of
supervision. It will be at the discretion of the chief whether removal from “line-
duty assignment” will be defined as administrative leave or temporary
assignment elsewhere in the police department. At the discretion of the chief, an
officer relieved from duty under the above circumstances may be referred to
professional counseling.
B. Any member whose actions, deliberate or accidental, result in the death or
serious injury of another, will be removed from duty assignment pending an
administrative review of the incident. Relief from duty may be ordered by any
level of supervision. At the discretion of the chief, a member relieved from duty
under the above circumstances may be referred to professional counseling.
C. An officer will be relieved from line duty, pending remedial weapons re-
qualification, in the event of an accidental discharge of a firearm when no injury
or damage has occurred.
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D. An officer will be relieved from duty due to failure to successfully pass a weapons
qualification training session, in accordance with Chapter V of this directive.
A. An arrest report for arrest situations, or a CJIS report for all others, will be
submitted whenever an employee:
1. Discharges a firearm for other than training or recreational purposes; or,
2. Takes any action that results in, or is alleged to have resulted in, injury or
death of another person; or,
3. Responds to resistance through the use of lethal or less lethal weapons;
4. Responds to resistance with weaponless physical force
B. A thorough review of all written reports submitted in accordance with this
procedure will be conducted by each supervisory level through the chain of
command. A report of the findings and any corrective and/or disciplinary action
will be forwarded to the chief of police.
A. It is the responsibility of all enforcement personnel to be knowledgeable of the
Response to Resistance Matrix incorporated as part of this directive.
B. The Response to Resistance Matrix is meant to be used as a guideline for an
officer to select an effective, reasonable, and legal response to resistance in a
verbal or physical encounter. As a subject increases his/her resistance level from
verbal to physical, an officer may have to increase the level of his/her response
until the resistance ceases, and the officer is able to gain control of the subject.
C. As soon as the point of subject compliance is reached, the officer must de-
escalate his/her response level to the minimum necessary to control the subject.
When it is objectively reasonable that a subject is fully in law enforcement
control, then the response to resistance must terminate.
D. In properly determining the appropriate response to a subject’s resistance,
several factors must be evaluated by an officer. For instance, and un-armed, small
framed, female juvenile subject may be displaying Level 5 resistance, but would
probably only require a Level 3 response by the average officer. On the other
hand, a single officer faced with a very large professional wrestler or football
player may very well find that his/her response to even mild resistance must be
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escalated to a relatively high point on the matrix. It must be remembered that by
law, an officer need not retreat in his/her efforts to lawfully control a subject but
may respond to that resistance as necessary to accomplish his/her task. This is
not to say that a tactical retreat in the face of overwhelming odds may not be a
wise choice.
The following definitions were developed for each of the levels of resistance and officer
response. They begin at the lowest level and progress to the highest level.
A. Resistance Levels:
1. Level 1 – Presence:
A subject is there, on the scene, in attendance of suspicious activity.
2. Level 2 – Verbal Resistance:
A subject may verbally refuse to comply with an officer’s requests of
attempts to control the situation. The subject may threaten the officer
with further resistance or the subject may not respond to the officer.
3. Level 3 – Passive Physical Resistance:
A subject physically refuses to comply or respond. He/she does not make
any attempt to physically defeat the actions of the officer, but forces the
officer to escalate efforts and maneuvers to establish control.
4. Level 4 – Active Physical Resistance:
A subject makes physically evasive movements to defeat and officer’s
attempt at control. This may be in the form of bracing or tensing,
attempts to push/pull away or not allowing the officer to get close to
5. Level 5 – Aggressive Physical Resistance:
A subject makes overt, hostile attacking movements which may cause
injury but not likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the officer or
6. Level 6 – Aggravated Physical Resistance:
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A subject makes overt, hostile, attacking movements, with or without a
weapon with the intent and apparent ability to cause death or great
bodily harm to the officer or others.
B. Officer Response Levels:
1. Level 1 – Presence:
The officer is there, on the scene, in attendance. This includes proper
voice and/or other identification, body language, and awareness by the
subject that he/she is dealing with an Officer.
2. Level 1 – Interview Stance:
The officer adopts a stance outside of his/her danger zone that provides
appropriate protection and forms the basis of an effective physical
response if attacked. In such a stance the firearm or strong side leg is
back, the non-firearm or weak side leg is forward, the feet are about
shoulder width apart; knees slightly bent giving balance, control, and a
lower body center of gravity, equally distributed body weight, and the
hands are up for guarding the upper body.
3. Level 2 – Dialogue:
A two way, controlled, non-emotional communication between the
officer and subject aimed at problem identification or resolution.
4. Level 2 – Verbal Direction:
An officer tells or commands a subject to engage in or refrain from a
specific action or non-action.
5. Level 2 – Touch:
An officer employs a soft assisting touch when directing, or a firm, strong,
touch prior to escalating to a higher level of force.
6. Level 3 – Transporters:
Techniques used to control and/or move a subject from point A to point
B with minimum effort by the officer in order to gain and retain control
over the subject.
7. Level 3 – Pain Compliance:
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Techniques that force a subject to comply with an officer as a result of
the officer inflicting controlled pain upon specific points in the subject’s
body such as pressure point techniques.
8. Level 3 – Take Downs:
Techniques that redirect, in a controlled manner, a subject to the ground
in order to limit his/her physical resistance and to facilitate the
application of a restraint device.
9. Level 3 – Restraint Devices:
Mechanical tools used to restrict a subject’s movement and facilitate
searching; such as handcuffs, flex cuffs, leg irons, optional nylon
restraining device, etc.
10. Level 3 – Counter Moves:
Techniques that impede a subject’s movement toward an officer or
others; such as blocking, striking, distracting, kicking, parrying, dodging,
weaving, redirecting, or avoiding, followed by appropriate controlling
11. Level 4 – Intermediate Weapons:
Weapons that are primarily used to control a subject.
12. Level 5 – Incapacitating:
Techniques that are intended to stun or render a subject temporarily
unconscious, delivered with or without an impact weapon; such as a
strike to a major nerve area.
13. Level 6 – Deadly Responses:
Techniques that may result in imminent death or serious injury,
unconsciousness, or permanent disfigurement; such as impact weapon
strikes to the head or use of firearms. Deadly response techniques are a
last resort.
C. Additional factors that must be considered when making response decisions
include various subject and officer factors.
1. Subject Factors:
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a) The seriousness of crime committed by the subject;
b) The size, age, and weight of the subject;
c) The apparent physical ability of the subject;
d) The number of subjects present who are involved or may become
e) Weapons possessed by or available to the subject;
f) Any known history of violence by the subject;
g) Presence of innocents or potential victims in the area;
h) Whether the subject can be recaptured at a later time; and,
i) Whether evidence is likely to be lost or destroyed.
2. Officer Factors:
a) The size, physical ability, and defensive tactics expertise of the
b) The number of other officers present or available to assist with
the situation;
c) The officer’s immediate reaction in the case of sudden attack;
d) Weapons or restraint devices available to the officer;
e) Legal requirements; and,
f) Police Department Policy.
A. Officers are authorized to use a deadly response only when the officer reasonably
believes that the action is in defense of human life, including the officer’s own
life, or in defense of any person in immediate danger of great bodily harm.
B. When it becomes necessary to resort to the use of a firearm, it must be fired for
maximum effect.
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C. When practical, an officer shall give a verbal warning prior to utilizing a deadly
response to resistance.
D. All officers authorized to carry firearms may discharge them only under the
following circumstances:
1. To protect the officer or other persons from what is reasonably believed
to be an immediate threat of death or great bodily harm.
2. To apprehend a fleeing forcible felony suspect or a fleeing escapee from
a penal institution when such a response is necessary and there is
probable cause to believe that the suspect poses an imminent threat of
death or great bodily harm to the officer or the public at large.
The officer must inform the person they seek to arrest of their authority
and the cause of arrest, if possible and feasible; except when such person
flees or forcibly resists before the officer has an opportunity to inform
that person or when the giving of such information would imperil the
3. When conducting ballistics tests in a laboratory environment or
attempting to verify a weapon is in working order at an authorized firing
4. When legally engaged in shooting exhibitions or competitions.
5. When involved in firearms practice of qualification at an authorized
6. To kill a dangerous animal or one that humane considerations requires
release from further suffering; when other means of disposal (such as the
availability of the Seminole County Division of Animal Control) are
unavailable and attendant circumstances are appropriate. If possible,
permission will be obtained from the owner (if any) of the animal before
it is destroyed. When all efforts to notify the owner have been exhausted,
contact should be made with a supervisor to obtain approval.
7. To call for assistance for a life threatening purpose when no other means
are available and the round will be fired into the ground for safety.
E. Firearms may be used only under circumstances, which provide a high probability
of striking the intended objective and without causing harm to innocent persons.
Firearms will not be discharged under the following conditions:
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1. When circumstances do not provide a high probability of striking the
intended target, or when there is a substantial risk to the safety of
innocent persons or law enforcement personnel.
2. To affect warning shots in an attempt to halt the actions or to warn an
individual engaged in criminal activity.
3. Officers shall not discharge their firearms at or from a moving vehicle
unless the occupants of the other vehicle are using deadly force against
the officer or another person by means of other than the vehicle.
4. Firing at escaping prisoners who are handcuffed, unless returning fire.
5. Fire into crowds or over heads of crowds.
F. Drawing and Displaying:
1. Firearms will not be drawn or displayed unless it is tactically necessary
based upon considerations of personal safety and the safety of others.
The following exceptions are allowed:
2. Firearms cleaning, maintenance, approved training, or participation in
approved activities which will be conducted outside the view of the
general public unless approved by a supervisor.
Except for those authorized training situations or recreational activities in which a firearm
was discharged by an officer, the following procedures will be used for every incident
where a firearm has been discharged by an officer:
NOTE: Standardized Response to Resistance (R-2) Review will not be used
when documenting or investigating deadly response incidents
A. The Involved officer:
When an officer discharges a firearm either accidentally or in the line of duty, the
officer shall immediately take the following action:
1. Determine the condition of any injured person, render first aid, and
summon medical assistance, if appropriate.
2. Evaluate the condition of injured person(s) to determine if they pose an
immediate threat to the officer or any other persons present and secure
if necessary.
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3. Notify the telecommunications section of the incident and location,
request assistance to secure the scene, and advise if a medical response
is necessary.
4. The officer will remain at the scene (unless injured) until the arrival of the
appropriate supervisor. If the continued presence of the officer at the
scene might cause a more hazardous condition, the ranking supervisor at
the scene shall have the discretion to instruct the officer to report to
another location. If the involved officer is removed from the scene, a law
enforcement officer will be assigned to escort and maintain contact with
the involved officer until the conclusion of the preliminary field
5. The officer will preserve their weapon for later examination. The weapon
will be submitted to the appropriate investigator when so requested.
6. In the event of an accidental discharge of a firearm where no injury or
property damage has occurred:
a) The involved officer will immediately notify a supervisor, who will
respond to the scene.
b) The responding supervisor will interview the officer and other
persons present to determine if a violation of police department
policy has occurred.
c) The involved officer will submit a written report to the supervisor
explaining the facts of the situation.
d) The supervisor will complete a written statement, to be attached
to the officer’s report, which will summarize the incident
including any findings of policy violation and/or
recommendations for disciplinary action. The report will be
submitted to the officer’s division supervisor, through the chain
of command, as expeditiously as possible.
B. The Division Supervisor:
1. The division supervisor will relieve the officer from line duty pending
remedial weapons re-qualification and completion of the administrative
review of the incident. This will be reflected in the supervisor’s report.
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2. The involved officer may be temporarily assigned to non-enforcement
duties pending remedial weapons re-qualification and completion of the
administrative review of the incident.
C. The Patrol Supervisor shall:
1. Proceed immediately to the scene.
2. Assume responsibility for securing the scene.
3. Conduct a preliminary field investigation.
4. Assist the involved officer.
5. Render command assistance to the assigned investigator.
NOTE: The supervisor will retain control of the scene until specifically
relieved by the responding investigator
D. The Investigations Division and FDLE:
1. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) investigates
response to resistance incidents involving death, injuries, or serious
property damage. These investigations are conducted in accordance with
FDLE procedures. The Investigation Unit will assist FDLE Investigators if
2. The Investigations Unit investigates incidents involving lethal force that
do not result in death, injury, or serious property damage (the chief may
still elect to engage the services of FDLE, or have FDLE review the
Investigations Unit’s investigation).
3. When notified of an incident, the on-call Investigations Unit Supervisor
will respond to the scene and:
a) Determine the need for additional investigators (or the services
of FDLE).
b) Ensure the crime scene has been secured.
c) Request a Crime Scene investigator to respond to the scene.
d) If applicable, request the on-call State Attorney.
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e) If the investigation is to be turned over to FDLE, the Investigation
Supervisor will supervise security of the scene until FDLE
Investigators arrive to assume responsibility for the investigation.
f) If the investigation is to be investigated by the Investigation Unit,
the investigator shall:
1) Ensure the preservation of samples of unspent
2) Separate and interview all on-scene witnesses.
3) Ensure the security and collection of all physical
4) Secure copies of all radio transmissions, body worn
and/or in-car camera video, and telephone or other
recordings from the Communications Center.
5) Obtain hospital, laboratory, and photographic reports.
6) Complete a detailed written report of the investigation
to the chief through the chain of command for review.
4. Before interviewing or requesting written statements from involved
officers, they shall be advised of their constitutional rights.
5. An officer, upon his or her own initiative or request, will be permitted to
review the recorded footage from their body worn camera before writing
a report or providing a statement regarding any event arising within the
scope of their official duties. Any such provision may not apply to an
officer’s inherent duty to immediately disclose information necessary to
secure an active crime scene or to identify suspects or witnesses.
6. At no time during a criminal investigation will an Investigation Supervisor
direct involved officers to give a statement to the Police or FDLE
Investigators (Garrity).
7. Weapon Collection:
a) If FDLE assumes the investigation, FDLE will coordinate the
seizure of any weapons from involved officers.
b) If the Investigations Unit assumes the investigation, Investigators
will seize any weapons.
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c) The FDLE Agent, Investigations Supervisor, or his/her designee
will identify and examine all of the firearm(s) possessed by the
officers involved in the incident and document the state of each
firearm, including agency-issued, personally owned, or other
firearms stored in vehicles or on their person.
d) The Investigations Supervisor will ensure an agency armorer
responds to the scene to supply any involved officer with a
primary duty firearm when the primary duty firearm
is collected by an investigator or FDLE.
8. Once FDLE completes their investigation, it shall be submitted to the
state attorney of the judicial circuit in which the use of force occurred.
E. The Patrol Division Supervisor:
1. After the preliminary investigation is completed by the Investigations
Unit; unless advised otherwise by the chief, a documented administrative
review will be conducted by the Patrol Division supervisor.
a) If training consideration had been met in the areas of drawing
and exhibiting the weapon, the firing of the weapon, tactics prior
to drawing and discharging the weapon, and tactics during and
following discharge.
b) The level of supervision provided prior to, during, and
subsequent to the shooting incident.
c) The Patrol Division supervisor will evaluate the post-shooting
investigation of the Investigations Division and prepare a report
of the findings for the chief.
A. Officers are not permitted to use non-deadly weapons or techniques unless
proficient and qualified in their use as determined by Longwood Police
Department training procedures. Only weapons meeting agency authorized
specifications will be used by personnel engaging in law enforcement
responsibilities both on and off duty.
B. Use of a Physical Response to Resistance:
The use of physical responses to subdue a person is restricted to those instances
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1. Justifiable self-defense.
2. The protection of others.
3. The protection of property.
4. To prevent escapes.
5. To restrain or subdue a resisting individual under arrest.
6. To bring an unlawful situation safely and effectively under control.
7. To take into custody a mentally disturbed person under the auspices of
an involuntary examination as authorized in Florida State Statute 394.
8. To take a subject into protective custody for substance abuse services as
authorized in Florida State Statute 397.
C. In no event is physical force to be used as punishment.
D. Flashlights are not designed or approved as an offensive weapon. Use should be
restricted only for defense and only as a last resort. No other weapons (including
but not limited to slap jacks, brass knuckles, PR-24 batons, leaded gloves, etc.)
are authorized for possession or use by any employee of the police department.
E. The use of choke holds and the use of vascular neck restraints are prohibited
except when utilized to combat the imminent threat of death or great bodily
harm, Level 6 – Aggravated Physical Resistance, to the officer or others.
F. Nothing in this policy shall prevent a member from utilizing any readily available
object or empty hand technique when utilized to combat the imminent threat of
death or great bodily harm, Level 6 – Aggravated Physical Resistance, to the officer
or others. If any such object or empty hand technique is utilized in response to
this type resistance when the subject is brought under control, emergency medical
assistance will be summoned to assess the subject’s condition.
The following procedures will be used to report every incident in which an officer utilizes
a non-deadly response to resistance.
A. The Involved officer:
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When an officer utilizes a non-deadly response in the performance of his/her
duties, the officer shall immediately take the following action:
1. Determine the condition of any injured person, render first aid, and
summon medical assistance if appropriate.
2. If the subject is injured, transport (or cause to be transported by rescue
personnel) the subject to the nearest hospital emergency room. In all
incidents where the subject loses consciousness, the subject shall be
examined by hospital emergency room personnel prior to transport to
any correctional facility.
3. Document in the narrative portion of the written report the
circumstances, which necessitated the response to resistance and specify
the amount and type of response utilized.
NOTE: The written report should reflect the totality of the
circumstances involved which necessitated the response. Those
factors constituting ‘reasonable suspicion’ and/or ‘probable
cause’ should be clearly described. Any statements made by the
suspect should be quoted directly, if possible. Detail the care
rendered to the suspect after control was gained. The officer’s
perceptions at the time of occurrence based on the officer’s
training and experience should also be stated
4. Situations that involve the use of a non-deadly response to resistance
greater than level 2 will require written documentation on a standardized
Response to Resistance (R-2) Review. Photographs will be taken of the
subject who offered the resistance. The photographs will capture images
of the subject’s entire body and also focus on and isolate specific areas
affected by the officer’s response to the subject’s resistance (i.e. Taser
probe sites, bruises, swelling, or scratches). All photographs will be
attached to and submitted with the response to resistance form.
5. If feasible, or physically able, an officer will complete the Response to
Resistance (R-2) Review and submit it to the chain of command prior to
the conclusion of the duty day in which the incident occurred. If the
officer is not able to complete the report, the officer’s supervisor shall
complete it for the officer.
6. Before a report is submitted to the chain of command for review, all
information required by the report shall be completed as fully as possible
by the reporting officer to include all information necessary from the
reporting officer’s supervisor (after conducting an investigation of the
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incident), medical personnel (if appropriate), and by any police
department personnel who witnessed the incident.
7. All Response to Resistance (R-2) Reviews requires a written response
and/or recommendation from an officer’s immediate supervisor.
8. Supervisors at each level of the officer’s chain of command will review
the documented Response to Resistance Reviews and may make
recommendations as to whether the officer’s response was proper.
Supervisors may agree with the employee’s action, or may recommend
corrective or disciplinary action be taken.
9. Division supervisors shall make a determination of the situation based on
the statements contained in the review and may refer the matter to the
chief with a recommendation for a detailed critique by the Professional
Conduct Review Section.
10. A copy of each Response to Resistance (R-2) Review will be retained by
the Patrol Division supervisor. The original report shall be transmitted to
the Professional Conduct Review Section for archival purposes.
11. The application of agency authorized restraint devices alone are not
considered a use of non-deadly response to resistance and will not
require the completion of a Response to Resistance (R-2) Review.
Reporting requirements relating to application of restraint devices are
detailed in Enforcement Policy and Procedure; EPP – 5.
B. The On-Duty Patrol Supervisor Shall:
1. Ensure that all injuries are treated with the appropriate degree of care
consistent with the extent of the injury.
2. Ensure that the narrative portion of any arrest or incident report
completely and accurately describes the actions of the officer and the
3. Ensure that the Response to Resistance (R-2) Review, along with any
additional reports or forms as required by other directives, is completed
and forwarded to the appropriate users (bottom of form denotes
4. Ensure that all necessary witness statements from other law
enforcement officers or persons are obtained.
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C. The Patrol Division Supervisor:
An administrative review will be conducted by the Patrol Division supervisor, only
at the direction of the chief of police. This review will attempt to determine the
1. Whether the action of officers were within the parameters of police
department policy.
2. If training considerations had been met in the areas of response to non-
deadly resistance.
3. The level of supervision provided prior to, during, and subsequent to the
4. The Patrol Division supervisor will prepare a report of findings for the
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6. Aggravated Physical X X X X X X X X X X X X X
5. Aggressive Physical X X X X X X X X X X X X
4. Active Physical X X X X X X X X X X X
3. Passive Physical X X X X X X X X X
2. Verbal X X X X X X
1. Presence X X X X X
Checked areas represent
suggested, acceptable,
beginning response
Any response in an
unchecked area requires
Interview Stance Arrival Dialogue Verbal Direction Touch Resistant Devices Transporters Take Downs Pain Compliance Counter Moves Intermediate Weapons Incapacitation Deadly Response Officer Presence
Verbal Control
Physical Control
Intermediate Control
Incapacitating Control
Deadly Response