E.P.P. 045 LONGWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT ENFORCEMENT POLICY & PROCEDURE NUMBER: EPP – 45 SUBJECT: SEXUAL PREDATOR/OFFENDER AND REGISTERED FELON MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER 3, 2001 REVISED: JUNE 17, 2004 ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SEXUAL PREDATOR/OFFENDER AND REGISTERED FELON MANAGEMENT EPP – 45 Page 1 of 5 I. POLICY A. It shall be the policy of the Longwood Police Department to comply with all applicable state and federal laws regarding sexual predators. The department acknowledges that information pertaining to sexual predators directly affects the safety of the community. The department will ensure mandatory community notification is made of all registered sexual predators. In addition, the department will display, in the police department lobby area, names and photographs of registered sexual offenders living within the Longwood City limits. B. Sexual predators and offenders requiring registration will be referred to the Seminole County Sheriffs Office after they have made proper notification to the Longwood Police Department. II. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Sexual predators must register or be registered as a sexual predator and are subject to community and public notification. Upon notification of the presence of a sexual predator, the Chief of Police of the municipality, where the sexual predator establishes or maintains a permanent or temporary residence, shall notify members of the community and the public of the presence of the sexual predator in a manner deemed appropriate by the Chief of Police. III. PROCEDURES A. F.D.L.E. will notify the Chief of Police, via FCIC and fax, of a person registering as a sexual predator who provides their address as being Longwood. F.D.L.E. will also follow-up with a letter to the Chief of Police. ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SEXUAL PREDATOR/OFFENDER AND REGISTERED FELON MANAGEMENT EPP – 45 Page 2 of 5 B. A copy of any Teletype message received, in reference to sexual predator notification from F.D.L.E., will be forwarded to the Chief of Police and the Community Relations Officer. C. The Community Relations Officer will be responsible for: 1. Notifying the community of all sexual predators as provided in Florida State Statute 775.2 1(7). The method of notification will be at the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee. The Community Relations Officer, through the proper chain of command, may utilize Patrol Officers to assist in the notification process; 2. Maintaining information on all sexual predators and offenders residing in the City of Longwood. The information will include photographs, probation/parole information, conviction information, and current address of the offender; 3. Providing information on sexual predators and offenders with the Road Patrol Division to ensure effective information sharing; 4. Displaying and updating information on sexual offenders and predators on the information binder provided in the lobby of the Longwood Police Department. A binder containing full biographical information on sexual offenders and predators will be maintained at the front desk and available for review by the public during normal business hours; 5. Notifying the Criminal Investigations Division of all new Sexual Predators and Offenders who move into the City of Longwood and all Sexual Predators and Offenders who change addresses, but still remain within the city limits of Longwood. D. Criminal history checks will indicate when a person is a registered sexual predator or offender. E. If an Officer comes into contact with a registered sexual predator or offender under suspicious circumstances and no arrest is made, the Officer will document the event on a CJIS Report as “Information” or if the sexual predator/offender is listed in Café under a “SO” (Sexual Offender) Case Number, then a narrative shall be added to the assigned “SO” (Sexual Offender) Case Number. F. The Longwood Police Department is participating with other agencies within Seminole County in the Serious Offender Response Team (SORT). Florida State Statute mandates that the residences of sexual predators and sexual offenders be verified every quarter. This task will be assigned to the Community Relations Officer. The Community Relations Officer will ensure that an Address Verification ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SEXUAL PREDATOR/OFFENDER AND REGISTERED FELON MANAGEMENT EPP – 45 Page 3 of 5 Form is completed on each Sexual Predator/Offender in accordance with the above listed time frame. All contacts with Sexual Predators/Offenders will be documented in Café under the assigned Sexual Predator/Offender’s “SO” (Sexual Offender) Case Number or “RF” (Registered Felon) Case Number. IV. OFFENDER MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES A. The Community Relations Officer shall use the following contact schedule: 1. Sexual Predators and Offenders (Quarterly contact) 2. Registered Felons / Category 1 (Quarterly contact) 3. Registered Felons / Category 2 (Bi-annual contact) 4. Registered Felons / Category 3 (Annual contact) The Community Relations Officer shall complete a quarterly review of the Registered Felons and Sexual Predator/Offenders located within the City of Longwood. The Community Relations Officer shall assign Registered Felon cases (RF Cases) and Sexual Predator/Offender cases (SO Cases) to specific Road Patrol Squads for contact, in accordance with the schedule listed above. The Community Relations Officer shall use the following procedure for determining which cases need to be assigned. B. Case Management Procedure 1. Open Café; 2. On the Main Screen, go to “Report Type” and enter RF or SO (whichever applies); 3. While still on the Main Screen, go to the “General” tab and click on it. Then, go to “Clearance” and type in OPEN; 4. Under “Assigned Dept.”, type in Longwood PD or press F2 and select Longwood PD from the list; 5. Click on the “People/Business” tab and go to “Person Type(s)”; 6. Under “Person Type(s)” enter FR,FS,FP. 7. Press F3 on the keyboard or click on the “Search” button. ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SEXUAL PREDATOR/OFFENDER AND REGISTERED FELON MANAGEMENT EPP – 45 Page 4 of 5 8. A Pop Up will appear and ask if you want a list of cases or people. Type in P for a list of People and click OK; 9. Once the grid appears, click on “Print Grid”; 10. Review the cases in Café by viewing each report narrative. Mark on your printed copy of the grid which cases need to be assigned and which squad each case will be assigned to. a. Should a case be discovered that is not in the City of Longwood, the Community Relations Officer will send notification to the Felon Registrar at the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and request that the record be corrected and reassigned to the proper jurisdiction. b. Should a case be discovered that is no longer in need of monitoring, such as instances where the person has moved or is no longer on probation, the Community Relations Officer will go to the particular report and change its status and add a narrative indicating what changes are being made. C. To change the status of the case, follow these instructions: 1. Open Café and enter the case number of the case you wish to change. 2. Enter the case’s Case Number and press F3. 3. Select the report from the grid by clicking on it. 4. Click on the Tools menu and select “Registered Offender Management” 5. Click on Clearance Code and press F2. 6. Select the appropriate clearance type from the list. 7. Click on Save and the report status will be changed. 11. Make copies of the grid sheet and distribute it to Shift Supervisors for completion. Provide copies of the “RF” Information Change Form and instructions for completing contacts. All contacts shall have been completed or have had at least two attempted contacts within 15 (calendar) days of assignment to the Shift Supervisor. ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SEXUAL PREDATOR/OFFENDER AND REGISTERED FELON MANAGEMENT EPP – 45 Page 5 of 5 12. The Shift Supervisor will return the grid sheet and any “RF” Information Change Forms completed to the Community Relations Officer within 20 (calendar) days of assignment. 13. The Community Relations Officer should verify that all subjects are contacted according to the above schedule. 14. A copy of the returned grids shall be maintained by the Community Relations Officer. The Café narrative will be the Official Public Record of the Registered Offender contacts.