E.P.P. 063 LONGWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT ENFORCEMENT POLICY & PROCEDURE NUMBER: EPP – 63 SUBJECT: SPECIAL NEEDS DIRECTORY EFFECTIVE: JUNE 1, 2021 REVISED: ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SPECIAL NEEDS DIRECTORY EPP – 63 Page 1 of 3 I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to clearly define the policy and procedures pertaining to the Special Needs Directory. II. SCOPE: The Special Needs Directory is an autism awareness and special needs program that will assist officers in improving service to those in our community living with genetic disorders such as autism and Down Syndrome, as well as assisting with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other mental illnesses. A. Qualifying participants are recognized as those with any physical, mental, sensory or intellectual disability that would keep an individual from communicating in the event of an emergency. Person(s) who reside in nursing homes or any special needs facility are not eligible for this program. III. GENERAL: A directory is available to family members and caregivers who may voluntarily provide information about any loved one living with special needs, based upon a mental or neurological disability/disorder. The directory is intended to compile information on behalf of anyone who may require special considerations during an interaction with officers, or in an emergency situation. Participants may receive a numbered wristband that corresponds to their directory information and family members will receive an exterior decal to place near the entrance of their home. ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SPECIAL NEEDS DIRECTORY EPP – 63 Page 2 of 3 The wristband and decal will better alert police officers they have entered the environment of someone living with autism or other special needs, in order to anticipate special care or assistance such as de-escalation tactics and triggers to avoid. IV. DIRECTORY PROCEDURES: A. RECORDS: 1. All directory requests shall be forwarded to the community relations supervisor. Each form will be checked for completeness, ensuring emergency contact information is included, any specific details are noted and that the applicant, or the applicant’s parent or legal guardian, has signed the application. The application can be submitted in person, given to any officer, dropped off at the police department or submitted by email. 2. The community relations unit will visit the residence and place the provided sticker in a visible and appropriate area, with the permission of the applicant, or the applicant’s parent or legal guardian. 3. The community relations supervisor will communicate with the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office communication center to ensure that the applicant’s information is documented in the CAD system as a hazard screen. The CAD screen will not list the participant’s diagnosis or medical condition. The CAD screen would simply state “Longwood Special Needs Directory Number 1”. The hazard screen will be utilized for the dispatcher to notify responding officers of the presence of a participant in the Special Needs Directory. Officers will be able to review the important data within the directory prior to going on scene. 4. A copy of the directory database will be available for all officers to view on a shared server. This will include the applicant’s basic information, assigned number, and special needs considerations. The directory is only to be used for official purposes and is not to be disseminated to the public. This information may only be shared with other law enforcement agencies during an emergency situation, or if the registered person is missing within another jurisdiction. ENFORCEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE SPECIAL NEEDS DIRECTORY EPP – 63 Page 3 of 3 B. DOCUMENTATION: 1. When a new entry is made into the directory, a Café report will also be generated by the community relations unit. The report will be an AR (At Risk) report. A person(s) page will be completed with all biographical information to include next of kin. The narrative will indicate the participant’s assigned directory number, diagnosis, triggers, and de- escalation tactics specific to the participant. 2. Officers responding to a residence of a Special Needs Directory participant will be required to add a supplemental narrative indicating a brief summary of the event and adding any important changes such as new triggers or de-escalation tactics to consider, as these may evolve and change as the participant ages. 3. Upon adding a supplemental narrative, the community relations supervisor shall be notified to update the directory.