G.O. 03 LONGWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL ORDER NUMBER: GO - 3 SUBJECT: AUTHORITY AND COMMAND EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 23, 2009 REVISED: JANUARY 1, 2023 GENERAL ORDER AUTHORITY AND COMMAND GO – 3 PAGE 1 OF 4 I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this General Order is to define the lawful authority of the Chief of Police, sworn police officers and other employees, and to establish policy for command protocol. II. THE CHIEF OF POLICE: The Chief of Police has authority and responsibility for the management, direction and control of the agencies administration and operations. III. CHAIN OF COMMAND: A. The chain of command is the direct line of authority and communication between the Chief of Police and his employees. Chain of command is established to permit the flow of information and direction, to permit the delegation of authority, to place responsibility, to supervise operations and to coordinate Longwood Police Department efforts. B. All employees will follow the chain of command within their respective job task, and shall not bypass any level of the chain of command unless circumstances require such action. This requirement does not include a situation when an employee desires to discuss a personal problem with the Chief of Police. Such a situation only requires that the employee notify his/her supervisor as to the intention to make an appointment with the Chief of Police. C. Each person in the chain of command is responsible for ensuring that information is properly disseminated in order to assist all personnel in accomplishing the overall mission of the Longwood Police Department. GENERAL ORDER AUTHORITY AND COMMAND GO – 3 PAGE 2 OF 4 D. The chain of command for normal day-to-day agency operations is established by precedence of rank or position. 1. Chief of Police; 2. Deputy Chief of Police; 3. Commander; 4. Lieutenant; 5. Sergeant; 6. Corporal; 7. Employees not of the above classifications. E. Command protocol in the Chief’s absence: 1. Deputy Chief of Police; 2. Commander; 3. Lieutenant; 4. Sergeant; 5. Corporal; 6. Senior Road Patrol Officer. F. Acting supervisors are delegated by a commanding officer of higher rank. Acting supervisors will serve on the same level as the supervisor whom they are temporarily replacing in the chain of command. IV. UNITY OF COMMAND AND COMMAND PROTOCOL: A. Exigent circumstances notwithstanding, an employee will be accountable to only one supervisor at any given time. Each employee should be able to identify one supervisor to whom he/she is directly accountable. 1. When circumstances necessitate a supervisor giving orders or direction to employees that are outside that supervisor’s normal chain of command, the affected employee will obey such orders or direction provided they are lawful. GENERAL ORDER AUTHORITY AND COMMAND GO – 3 PAGE 3 OF 4 2. Depending upon the seriousness of the situation, supervisors who issue orders or direction to employees outside their normal command should inform the supervisor of the affected employee as soon as practical. B. A supervisor having responsibility over any operation or emergency situation shall be in charge of employees of different functions who are engaged in the operation or situation. Normal day-to-day command protocol will govern command and control over any particular operation or emergency situation. However, circumstances may dictate that command of a particular operation or emergency situation will best be served by having the authority for the operation or situation vested in an employee of lesser rank than others present at the scene. Said circumstances that may require command to be vested in specified tactical specialists are the operations of canine, Traffic Homicide Investigators, etc. C. Specific command protocol may be further delineated by policy and procedure, if required. V. SPAN OF CONTROL: A. In order to reduce confusion and eliminate potential conflict between the missions of organizational components, and in order to achieve direction, coordination, and control of organizational components, each organizational component shall be under the direct command of only one supervisor. B. Individual components may share the same supervisor, provided that adequate supervision is effectively maintained. C. The number of employees under an immediate supervisor shall not exceed the number for which any supervisor can reasonably be expected to effectively command. Adequate supervision, evaluation, guidance and coordination for employees are essential for the delivery of quality law enforcement, corrections and support functions. Emergency situations notwithstanding, a supervisor’s span of control should not extend past the point where normal day-to-day operations are jeopardized. D. In the event a supervisor becomes cognizant of difficulty in adequately supervising, evaluating, guiding or coordinating the number of employees under his/her command, said difficulties will be reported in writing to the appropriate Division Supervisor, via the chain of command. GENERAL ORDER AUTHORITY AND COMMAND GO – 3 PAGE 4 OF 4 VI. RESPONSIBILITY: A. A supervisor, by virtue of appointment to a supervisory position, is given the authority to make decisions necessary for the effective execution of his/her responsibilities. B. Supervisors are accountable for the performance of employees under their direction. C. An employee shall have the authority to make decisions necessary for the effective execution of his/her job responsibilities, consistent with Longwood Police Department directives. D. An employee shall be accountable for the use of delegated authority, and for a failure to use said authority. E. Employees will obey the lawful orders of superior officers, whether those orders are issued directly or relayed by employees of lesser rank. Exceptions are defined within the General Order “Standards of Conduct.” VII. OPEN DOOR POLICY: A. This administration fully supports an Open Door Policy that enables its members to communicate on a personal level with all other members. However, it is incumbent upon each member to realize that this policy cannot be used to circumvent or manipulate the Chain of Command. B. This Open Door Policy is for personal communication. The discussion of police matters outside the chain of command will be considered a violation and will not be tolerated. VIII. RESPONSIBILITY TO THE CITY COMMISSIONERS: A. Any inquiry made by a citizen or Longwood City Commissioner to a member of the Longwood Police Department that concerns policy or administrative decisions of the Longwood Police Department shall be directed to the Chief of Police. This will serve to eliminate member involvement in controversial situations that could impair the fulfillment of their sworn duties.